"L  O  N  G  and  NARROW"

July - September 2020
Artists: Sue Gale, Leslie Dickinson, Deb Olson

The inspiration for this exhibit came from thinking about the display itself rather than any thoughts of the works to be created in terms of color, subject or technique.  Simply exploring this form encouraged us to create pieces that make our minds work more vertically, with composition and focus in a different arrangement.  Vertical lines can often create a sense of calm, even though  a variety of themes, colors, materials  and techniques are involved. 

Artists on exhibit are:

Sue Gale msgale@gmail.com 

1. Buttoned Up!
2. Love is  Love is Love
3. Leaf Play

Leslie Dickinson   Instagram: PTLeslie

4. Crossroads
5. Circular Wander
6. Treasure Boxes
7. Random Chaos
8. Lime Squeeze

Debra Olson    debolson747@yahoo.ca

9. Cosmos
10. Celestial Ensemble
11. All About Stars
12. Small Stories
13. Leaf Prints
14. Meditations
