Who We Are
Peninsula Fiber Artists includes lifelong artists, those who have come to art as second careers, those who have made it a retirement passion, and those who seek an introduction to textile and fiber arts. A diverse group, with members working in various media, we support the creative exploration of fiber and fabric and the awareness and appreciation of textile art through regular meetings, and ongoing and special exhibitions.
We came together in 2013 to serve artists and craftspeople in western Washington’s Olympic and Kitsap peninsulas. In our years together, we have established a permanent venue, the Fiber Habit window in Port Townsend’s Uptown neighborhood, where we offer a 24/7 walk-by exhibit that changes six times annually. Information on our current and past exhibits there is on the FIBER HABIT WINDOW page.
We have a permanent exhibit in the North Olympic Library System. In addition, our group has participated in juried gallery exhibitions, wearable art shows, museum exhibits, and retail spaces. Descriptions are on the PAST EXHIBITIONS page. As subsets of the larger group and as individuals, our members have exhibited and taught throughout the U.S. and internationally. Several have been published and recognized at fiber art events. You’ll find announcements of many of these recognitions and honors on our FACEBOOK page.
Our exhibits are often mentioned in regional media, and occasionally in national arts publications. Click here for examples of PUBLICITY we’ve recently received, and here for copies of our PRESS RELEASES.
Our monthly meetings ordinarily rotate between Port Townsend and Sequim and are open to guests at no charge. Join us for informational and inspiring presentations by speakers, for members’ explanations of the specific techniques they are exploring, and for updates on our group shows. The MEETINGS page provides our schedule and CURRENT EXHIBITIONS tells you more about where we’re currently on display. You can CONTACT US for additional information.
Current Leadership Team:
Evette Allerdings eallerdings@gmail.com - SDA liaison to national, Zoom master
Caryl Bryer Fallert- Gentry caryl@bryerpatch.com - Exhibitions Coordinator
Cynthia LeRouge cynlerouge@gmail.com - Membership
Linda Carlson lindacarlson@earthlink.net - Publicity
Merrie Jo Schroeder trsmjs@gmail.com - Website, Treasurer
Terri Wolf - terriwolf@mac.com - Skills Talk Coordinator